Famine? War? Superbugs? Superstorms? Political corruption? Unemployment and economic collapse? The police state, jackbooted and torturing? The fact that almost anyone can buy your private information? Scarcely a corporate contract, personal digital appliance, or health provider you can trust? Hospitalization may be more frightening than incarceration. Being faced with reliance on government assistance may be more frightening than both.
And yet:
Its those kids wearing black that you have to worry about. Of course.
Excerpted from the statement that the Honorable Matthew G. Olsen, Director, National Counterterrorism Center, gave in his hearing before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on November 14, 2013:
The Homeland Threat Landscape and U.S. Response.
Here's the whole text; pdf link and source appended. Click each to enlarge.

Pdf: right-click below. h/t Cryptome.org.