Good afternoon. Welcome to another installment of "the S files." Consider a world, where no information is certain, where no fixed or stable point exists against which to rest your trust, online or off. Where if you have not learned to think for yourself, you are enslaved. Such might very well be, will might very well have been the case, when the dust settles and we pick through the rubble to piece together what really happened. Wearing full hazmat suits. Working quarter hour shifts. And carefully...
Submitted for your perusal, a story from NPR (and could one be more main stream?) on March 18th, 2011, only seven days after the Sendai quake and deadly tsunami:
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This is the NPR article with my annotations. Mouse over to read teaser; click to (hopefully) open in a new tab/window, or scroll down to read notes below. Do come back if my nascent HTML skills prove unequal to my mind's ideal finished blogpost. |
2. From Wikipedia:
David J. Rothkopf (born 24 December 1955) is President and CEO of Garten Rothkopf, an international advisory firm specializing in transformational global trends, notably those associated with energy, security, and emerging markets.
He is also a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where he has written Running the World: The Inside Story of the National Security Council and the Architects of American Power (2005), a behind-the-scenes history of how foreign policy is made in the White House, and Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making. Additionally, at Carnegie Rothkopf chairs the Carnegie Economic Strategy Roundtable, which examines the nexus between national security and U.S. economic policy concerns. Rothkopf is chairman of the National Strategic Investment Forum Dialogue, a forum convening leading institutional investors for discussions about critical issues of investment strategy. He is also a member of the advisory board of the U.S. Institute of Peace, the John Hopkins/Bloomberg School of Public Health, the Center for Global Development, and the Center for the Study of the Presidency.
Prior to the establishment of Garten Rothkopf, Rothkopf was the chairman, CEO, and co-founder of Intellibridge Corporation, a leading provider of international analysis and open-source intelligence for the U.S. national security community and selected investors, financial organizations and other corporations. Before founding Intellibridge, Rothkopf was managing director of Kissinger Associates, the international advisory firm founded and chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. Immediately prior to joining Kissinger Associates, Rothkopf served as Acting U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade. In this capacity, Rothkopf directed the 2400 employees of the International Trade Administration including the U.S. Commercial Service, the International Economic Policy Bureau, the Bureau of Import Administration, and the Bureau of Trade Development. He joined the Clinton Administration in 1993 as Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Policy and Development.
Prior to joining the Clinton Administration, Rothkopf was co-founder, chairman and chief executive of International Media Partners, Inc., which published CEO Magazine, and Emerging Markets newspaper, and organized the CEO Institutes. Previously, Rothkopf served as a senior executive and editor at Institutional Investor, Inc. and served in a similar capacity at Financial World magazine.
He is a 1977 graduate of Columbia College and attended Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.
He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Rothkopf is a frequently cited commentator in leading publications and has appeared a guest addressing a wide variety of foreign policy, national security, economic and energy policy issues on most English-language broadcast networks worldwide. He is the author of over 150 articles on international investment, economic, and policy themes and has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Financial Times, The International Herald Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, The Miami Herald, the Philadelphia Inquirer and other leading newspapers. He has also written for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, International Economy, The Journal of International Affairs and a variety of other magazines.
He is the author, co-author, co-editor of and contributor to a variety of books including The Global Century: Globalization and National Security (National Defense University), Cuba: The Contours of Change (Lynn Rienner Publishers), The Price of Peace: Emergency Economic Intervention and U.S. Foreign Policy (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), The Common Market: Uniting the European Community (Franklin Watts) and The Big Emerging Markets (Bernan Press).
In his latest book, Superclass (publ. March 2008), he argues that geography, pedigree, networking and luck unite a superclass of 6000 individuals that possess unparalleled power over world affairs.3. From "The Fire This Time: Pentagon Ramps Up Security Plans," by Tom Burghardt, Inteldaily, June 12, 2011:
...While denouncing China, Russia and other capitalist rivals over cyber espionage and alleged hacking escapades, the deployment of digital weapons of mass destruction against selected adversaries, Iran for one, is an essential feature of Pentagon targeting profiles and has now been fully integrated...This is hardly the stuff of wild speculation considering that evidence suggests that last year’s attack on Iran’s civilian nuclear program via the highly-destructive Stuxnet worm was in all probability a joint U.S.-Israeli operation as The New York Times disclosed.... U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)... directed by NSA Director, Gen. Keith Alexander, is “a sub-unified command subordinate to U. S. Strategic Command,” the lead agency charged with running space operations, information warfare, missile defense, global command, control, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR), global strike and strategic deterrence; the trigger finger on America’s first-strike nuclear arsenal....The Washington Post informs us that an unnamed U.S. official acknowledged that “‘the United States is actively developing and implementing’ cyber-capabilities ‘to deter or deny a potential adversary the ability to use its computer systems’ to attack the United States.” can be sure that civilian populations on the receiving end of a Pentagon cyber attack will suffer mass casualties as water and electrical systems go offline, disease and panic spreads and social infrastructures collapse.
...during an early roll-out of the Pentagon’s cyber panic product line five years ago, Dr. Lani Kass, a former Israeli Air Force major and acolyte of neocon war criminals Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, and who directs the Air Force Cyber Space Task Force under Bush and Obama, submitted a provocative proposal.
During a 2006 presentation titled, A Warfighting Domain: Cyberspace, Kass asserted that “the electromagnetic spectrum is the maneuver space. Cyber is the United States’ Center of Gravity–the hub of all power and movement, upon which everything else depends. It is the Nation’s neural network.” Kass averred that “Cyber superiority is the prerequisite to effective operations across all strategic and operational domains–securing freedom from attack and freedom to attack.”
Accordingly, she informed her Air Force audience that “Cyber favors the offensive,” and that the transformation of a militarized internet into a “warfighting domain” will be accomplished by “Strategic Attack directly at enemy centers of gravity; Suppression of Enemy Cyber Defenses; Offensive Counter Cyber; Defensive Counter Cyber; Interdiction.”
In the years since that presentation such plans are well underway."
5. You are ordered to associate the two. No evidence. Pure propaganda. Interesting, wouldn't you say, at this early date?
6. Just you wait -- if you connect them, you will be called a nutcase, and if you follow all the red herrings they will lay out, you will BE a nutcase.
7. Could it now. Again, upon no proffered evidence -- explicitly, almost tauntingly so. To say such, to put this allegation into print, for anyone and everyone to read and associate with your name, Mr. David Rothkopf, takes a certain brand of confidence. If I may, a quintessentially American brand. Among those reading your words, or hearing them, perhaps, on the radio, it is not far fetched to imagine the Stateside relatives or loved ones of human beings unlucky enough to have been in Northeast Japan on March 11th -- and to them, it is your strong sounding statements that would seem far-fetched. Not only far fetched. Rude.
Considering the devastation, the sorrow, that the quake just visited upon Japan. As I recall, any talk of Stuxnet was in a similar fashion easily considered rude, often, in conversations online and off. Any talk of the nuclear 'situation' at all. In the first few days after the quake, what I should be concerned about, I was told more than once, was quake relief, not imaginary nuclear meltdowns and outlandish conspiracies....
Don't believe me? Don't remember?
From Concern for quake sufferers should not be diminished by nuclear fear (I link to google's cache because has removed the original)(a screenshot is to the right, click to enlarge):
In my view and that of others as well (see, for example, Richard Wakeford’s BBC News article of March 18 entitled ‘‘Fukushima—disaster or distraction?’’ and Wade Allison’s BBC News article of March 26 entitled ‘‘Viewpoint: We should stop running away from radiation’‘), Fukushima is no Armageddon or even a Chernobyl. Wakeford and Allison contrast the releases from the Fukushima reactors with those at Chernobyl, and find the former to be less than 1% of the latter. They further note that the long-term health effects, if any, will be smaller than our current capacity to measure. In short, there is no rational basis for the global fear that has arisen.

Fukushima - disaster or distraction? (emphasis mine -- a screenshot is to the right, click to enlarge).
"The worst-case scenario would be where you have the fission products in stored canisters or in the reactors being released," said Professor Malcolm Sperrin, director of medical physics and clinical engineering at Royal Berkshire Hospital, UK."Radiation levels would then be very high around the plant, which is not to say they'd reach the general public."And we're definitely not in the situation where we're going to see another Chernobyl - that possibility has long gone."[...]And although elevated readings have been noted in some locations 30km from Fukushima, there has been nothing outside the 30km protection zone that has appeared to pose a danger to health.[...]
Prospects of exposure to perhaps the most dangerous radioactive substance, iodine-131, also diminish rapidly.It decays quickly through radioactivity - after eight days, half the atoms present initially will already have decayed away.There should be very little left in fuel rods that have been in storage ponds since November.[Yes, that is a quote. Read it again. Wow. What a load of absolute b.s.! -ed.]
In addition, the continuing efforts to keep seawater flowing into reactors 1, 2 and 3 appear to have been relatively successful on Thursday and Friday.If the reactors have been cooled, fuel rods will have been degrading at a slower rate, again curbing the release of radioactive substances.[...]"If you take one of the workers who's been exposed to 100 milliSieverts (mSv), that's not going to have any serious short-term effects," he said - "certainly nothing like the situation facing the Chernobyl emergency workers that killed 28 of them.
"The risk of a serious cancer arising from that kind of dose would be less than 1% in a lifetime - and you have to consider that the normal chance of dying from cancer is 20-25% anyway.""As for people outside the plant - I can't see any chance of picking out the effect of the Fukushima releases against the general background of cancers."

I could go on! Smiling reassuredly! Of course! No health risks! We are from the media! We are here to help you! No comprehension of the underlying science to complicate the matter! Able to tell a hawk from a nutter easily, in a single glance! Minimal risk! Chest x-rays! Bananas!
From Stuxnet: The Curious Incident of the Second Certificate, which you really MUST read. Really. I'll wait, if you would like; here is an excerpt, if not:
9.Imagine that you’re an American policymaker who has to choose between launching a cyber attack and allowing a close ally to launch an actual military attack. If you choose the cyber attack option, how will anyone know that you’ve succeeded? If no one knows that you’ve successfully delayed the Iranian nuclear program, you’ll be vulnerable to right-wing attacks for not doing enough to stop Iran and the pressure to bomb-bomb-bomb of Iran will grow. There’s another reason to publicize the attack. If you’re a superpower who starts a cyber war, you have to realize that your country contains a lot of very soft targets. You would want to make a big splash with this malware so that your industrial base starts to take the cyber war seriously. So, from the very beginning, the project included planning for the inevitable discovery and understanding of the Stuxnet malware. Just like the spread of the malware itself, the psyop will be impossible to directly control, but easy enough to steer in the appropriate direction.
It's called the Isle of Davos, it's where all the rich people go. They put on tribal makeup and buttfuck copies of Atlas Shrugged and slurp oysters out of Thomas Friedman's bellybutton.
Wikipedia's entry on the hilarious and real "Get your War On:"
Get Your War On is a series of satirical comic strips by David Rees about political topics — originally the effects of the September 11 attacks on New York City but quickly switching focus to more recent ones, in particular the "War on Terrorism". The series achieved a cult following on the Internet, and in particular on discussion forums and blogs, very soon after debuting on October 9, 2001.
From a technical standpoint the strips are very crude, being assembled from about a dozen simple clip art pictures of office workers (with a few exceptions, most notably Voltron) that recur continually, often in the same strip. Almost all are in red on a white background. Owing to a heavy emphasis on dialogue there is almost no action. Highly disillusioned and cynical, it is heavily laden with expletives.
Get Your War On has been published in book form, with the author's royalties (as well as part of the publisher's income for the first book) donated to landmine clearing efforts. It has also been published regularly in Rolling Stone[1] and some alternative newspapers. In 2004, Rees was interviewed in the book Attitude 2: The New Subversive Alternative Cartoonists, edited by award-winning syndicated editorial cartoonistTed Rall. Attitude 2 included other cartoonists such as Alison Bechdel and Aaron McGruder.[2]
10. This makes my head hurt. Ow.
11. So is my enquiry, all our research, just part of the plan? It is if we are idiots, and swallow all they feed us! Please, Gentle Readers, please, PEOPLE, THINK FOR YOURSELVES!!! Look at the pure b.s. coming out of the blogs of the theorists:
To read moreI believe the phony 9.0 story was used as seismic cover for a tsunami nuke, which produced the tsunami of a 9.0 when detonated in the Japan trench (where no earthquakes of significance happen) as punishment for Japan offering to enrich uranium for Iran. The rest of the story, the concealment, is black ops. Bet on it. In the tsunami videos, the tsunami rips through pristine and undamaged cities, where business as usual is obvious and the tsunami is an ambush; not 9.0 earthquake ravaged debris. The quake is a paper thin story taped together by the undeserved trust of a gullible public. And the stories? The CIA did not hire a million people last year for nothing. If there is evidence of a 9.0 SHOW ME. A 9.0 will devastate an area over 1,000 miles across. That is how big a 9.0 is. The entire nation should be in ruins, especially judging from the damage the 6.9 Kobe quake did, and no where, no where outside the tsunami zone in the entire country is there a single damaged multi story building, a single collapsed bridge, a single structurally damaged wood framed house, or skyscraper. If a picture exists that can be definitively pinned to this quake, show me. The only collapsed structure in all of Japan was an old welfare shelter near station MYG004, the true epicenter...
A reply to same, it having appeared in a forum, where it was beginning to smell. By your humble Faust:
reply posted on 24-6-2011 @ 01:31 AM by femalefaust
i cannot choose the best reply. would appreciate help:
a) please sir go a little slower. the connective details of your analysis would encourage me to not feel so --- uncomfortable, like i have just been had, especially after visiting your site. did you notice that most if not all of the links you provide go to the same site (yours)? the same place, the same page, no differentiation. was that on purpose? not much activity at that site either, according to the internet archive. this information is presented as entertainment only, since it, in isolation, proves nothing.
b) what have you bought into and how much does it cost to buy you out?
c) i would like to make it clear to everyone reading this that the preceding post and the subject of this thread are in my mind only superficially related.
d) thank you for what info you did provide at your site -- for instance, after checking the links, i think japan DID offer to enrich uranium for iran. AND i also was reminded of the wisdom of testing target links online without visiting them. thank you. in the case of the ynet news article on japan's enrichment offer, visiting directly resulted in being hijacked by a 'you have won' popup that, in its attempt to induce my clicking the "ok" button (doubtless triggering a world of data collection, if such was not already in play) completely locked me out of my browser, out of which i had to force quit to escape. of course you cannot be held responsible for this.
e) what do you call it when the evil fascists controlling the media with propaganda find a way to inject stories superficially uncovering wrongdoing, lies, and corruption, but that go over the top, out to lunch, off the hook as it were, thus draining much needed human resources from the good fight, calling the reputation of anyone who held the original hypotheses (not beliefs, hypotheses) into question, and basically obscuring any good research and contributing to what has been uncovered being disregarded by intelligent but conservative minds who might otherwise have given their unbiased attention to the original, rational, non-whack-job inquiry?
f) can we just ignore the last post?
a) please sir go a little slower. the connective details of your analysis would encourage me to not feel so --- uncomfortable, like i have just been had, especially after visiting your site. did you notice that most if not all of the links you provide go to the same site (yours)? the same place, the same page, no differentiation. was that on purpose? not much activity at that site either, according to the internet archive. this information is presented as entertainment only, since it, in isolation, proves nothing.
b) what have you bought into and how much does it cost to buy you out?
c) i would like to make it clear to everyone reading this that the preceding post and the subject of this thread are in my mind only superficially related.
d) thank you for what info you did provide at your site -- for instance, after checking the links, i think japan DID offer to enrich uranium for iran. AND i also was reminded of the wisdom of testing target links online without visiting them. thank you. in the case of the ynet news article on japan's enrichment offer, visiting directly resulted in being hijacked by a 'you have won' popup that, in its attempt to induce my clicking the "ok" button (doubtless triggering a world of data collection, if such was not already in play) completely locked me out of my browser, out of which i had to force quit to escape. of course you cannot be held responsible for this.
e) what do you call it when the evil fascists controlling the media with propaganda find a way to inject stories superficially uncovering wrongdoing, lies, and corruption, but that go over the top, out to lunch, off the hook as it were, thus draining much needed human resources from the good fight, calling the reputation of anyone who held the original hypotheses (not beliefs, hypotheses) into question, and basically obscuring any good research and contributing to what has been uncovered being disregarded by intelligent but conservative minds who might otherwise have given their unbiased attention to the original, rational, non-whack-job inquiry?
f) can we just ignore the last post?
Have a nice week-end!