Livestream from early Thursday morning when the scheduled 'cleaning' of the park, home to the the NYC Occupation, was "postponed".
Archive of concomitant chatstream:
dremzahope: beautiful libertypac: :) blueheeler: I don't believe Wall St. will give in easily - pigs. Madilyn: EEExcellent!!!!!! janhart: The people united will never be defeated! victrola39: look at the viewership grow1 imgiovanni: WOOOO! OcelotWild: hooray!!!!!!!!!!! sparrowsutra: YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cressly: great stuff... the people united! Djones99: Yes-go NYC-another Victory! TomvonCT: peace is the way!!!! twinsisterjm: WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED beeeker: yaaaaaaaaaaa HippieChik: yessss!!!!!! jeanchristophe: Good vibe wysiwyggal: Yeah!!!!!! pbnjay: I have chills!!! funkframmingham: *** yeah reclaimthestreets: YAY!!!! hyp3rcrav3: Huge cheer on At Liberty Square mulcahy: Is this live??? mmigliaccio: You guys ROCK! NurseAgita: THANKS, ebo71! Serbiannon: We are the 99%!!!! Deep_Space: JP Moragan Chase gets a police force, how come not the People? ANSWER: Because the People don't need police. MichiganPaul: God is with you! william_grimwood: good fing job I love love love you guys jyjyjyjyjy: Is this at zucotti??? mmigliaccio: Thanks for all you do. Judesky: Revoluyah!!!!!! twinsisterjm: YAY kjps12: russell simmons offered to pay for cleaning TomvonCT: jyjy yes mmigliaccio: You are an inspiration to all of us! ARadX: Congratulations! Bobalft: tears of joy TheLotusUnfolds: Revolujah! sebo71: 99% will prevail LiveFromEngland: brilliant! thanks to you all xxxxx mulcahy: IS THIS LIVE??? Slijtert: Wow beutifull crowd! Love you from holland! We start occupy Amsterdam tomorrow! laced713: canceled? debendevanvier: good work GardenStater: Thank you for fighting the good fight! mmigliaccio: Keep peaceful! peace2all: Right On you Guys!!!!! MD_Dad: what choice did they have? 2,400+ people including teachers, unions, etc...:) :) hangingwithmygnomies: they "postponed" in Boston... look what happened there... 100 arrests at 2am Madilyn: There's no backing down now... CJE44: Yes live. occupy_optimistic: Congrats!!!!!! Long live to your efforts !!!!!!!!!!!!! softlikeawall: this is live Serbiannon: BEAUTIFULL!!!! ReclusiveViovode: Is this live now? LionsRoar: CONGRATULATIONS taruvision: the mayor haas just postponed i saw it on pix 11 NurseAgita: OWS, an inspiration to te rest of us occupiers! blueheeler: Nah, we were inspired by Tahrir. victrola39: under the same moon madrediterra: Will join you tomorrow from Princeton WorkingClassDefender: this is what democracy looks like! Judesky: I'm sooooooooo glad I stayed up!!!!! karma01: YAY!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! You are doing so GREAT!! jyjyjyjyjy: Omg lol, so many show up william_grimwood: that is what democracy looks like when you win imgiovanni: THE MAID OVERSLEPT SHE CANT MAKE IT IN TO WORK TODAY, SORRY BLOOMBERG!!! OregonShoutNews: Time 2 ARREST the ARRESTORS for violations of public oath~ARREST the COPS for TREASON against the constitution: sebo71: tommorow occupy Slovenia begin MasterSovereign: Wait Until the15th and the whole world will be OCCUPIED by the people! jerseydebil: what's going on ???? TomvonCT: reclue yes LionsRoar: SO AWESOME MichiganPaul: Id like to say my prayers helped a bit! nocense: check it out brothers and sisters softlikeawall: happy days mic check dead_tv_live: postponement of the cleaning hangingwithmygnomies: Postponed... not CANCELLED RasputinSane: I hear zuccotti's safe for now - Stand strong brothers and sisters flyingkremlin: welll done. Regards from Germany texinwien: sweet janhart: tears of joy texinwien: GO UNION MacDaill: CNN has us looking good! laced713: WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MasterSovereign: Eviction Postponed! TomvonCT: Mi paul yes they did TheLotusUnfolds: How d'ya like us now, Trolls? kmplace: GO UNIONS!!!! occupy_optimistic: So happy to hear that everyone is safe !!!!!!!!!!!! Love you all sb4justice: YEAH(BIG SMILE)!!!!! kjps12: postponed to when Madilyn: UNION!!!!! MichiganPaul: SOLIDARITY sky1111: whos streets???!!! dotinoz: well done, us! twinsisterjm: LOVE YOU FloridaMom: that's a LOT of people for this time of morning LOL piratronic: hrhr frangster: ....they're reporting it on cnn now... NurseAgita: THANKS, flyingkremlin! Judesky: HUGS to all of you!!!! Wait--- is this a trick????? blueheeler: Is Denver OK? squidboy: texinwien: Damn I wish I could be there twinsisterjm: LOVE YOU ALL! classykaren: love Unions nocense: awesome piece on occupy san diego dead_tv_live: best steam snuzuma: our streets MasterSovereign: Postponed until never! Serbiannon: POSTPONED UNTIL THERE ARE LESS PEOPLE pyrsmis: Peoples mic on Twitter: praghmatic: anyone have confirmation link? sparrowsutra: Unions United!!!!! Solidarity FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eyewall: Awesome they held off the crackdown? bfreeport: everyone is very peaceful and well behaved: Cnn reporter twinsisterjm: SOLIDARITY mulcahy: CNN SAYS CLEANING OF PARK POSTPONED!!! f1owww: BEAUTIFUL GigiGigiK: What if you sang "We Shall Overcome Someday" the Martin Luther King protest song when it gets real intense? MasterSovereign: it's on CNN peruvianlilies: THIS IS THE MOST COVERAGE OF OWS IVE SEEN ON CNN SINCE THIS BEGAN hawleyone: Please stop bashing the cops. You can't say you are part of this and bash another worker. imgiovanni: WOW eliuri: can u really ever clean Wall street? twinsisterjm: SOLIDARITY SPEAKS f1owww: BLESS YOU ALL debendevanvier: yes good news brightfuture: Love UNITES! ♥ sky1111: whos streets??!!!! nocense: great video on occupy san diego carthurclark: Just because it is postponed does not mean to let our guard down! TheLotusUnfolds: Solidarity Forever tapasq: viva la revolution!!!! MarySquared: our streets! MrNotorious: This is so awesome Deep_Space: We are witnessing the death of the old. Herald this new age dawnie1001: Good job to all. AngelicRealm: MSNBC reporting "hundreds of people" there. twinsisterjm: SOLIDARITY SPEAKS BibsalaNL: omg the mass! awesome MichiganPaul: you guys look great out there! StuUK: fantastic!! GardenStater: @praghmatic I've been lookign all night and Ic ant' find any online links to verify funkfactory: such a win! nomoreexcuses: congrats...good peeps of OWS!!!!! SSilverstar: yes no cop bashing etual: SPAIN IS THERE!! **LOVE** jyjyjyjyjy: Wow it's even breaking news on CNN mulcahy: ON CNN NOW peace2all: I can finally go to sleep.. for a bit.. WELL DONE people!!!!!! SO much Love going you way!! marutiyogi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sb4justice: POWER TO THE PEOPLE POWER TO THE 99% MUCH LOVE Patriot2: Wooooooooooooooooo confettios: wow wow wow1111111111111 minervis: seatlle <3 stay peaceful bralaheh: IF ANYBODY WANTS THE LINK TO CNN THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT THE POSTPONEMENT. IT IS HERE: snuzuma: there is more ppl coming floridamom!! it just statyed DebtFreeCurrency: Massive win for the 99%, 1% cave.. bfreeport: Cnn: they certainly won this battle Solitaire777: Goodmorning USA! Solidarity from Scotland! laelix: NOW MASSIVE BLOCK PARTY GO hawleyone: I'm happy with the postponement. I'm going to bed now. :) hangingwithmygnomies: NOw watch... when CNN turns off th camera, everyone gets beat up MainerinSolidarity: g'morning FloridaMom!! madrediterra: They will try eviction when unexpected twinsisterjm: MADE MY DAY! karma01: OMG if this is true I can finally go to sleep NurseAgita: THANKS, NOCENSE! blueheeler: No, cops are one of us - they get pink slips also. It's Wall St. reclaimthestreets: Bloomberg is in a predicament now... dotinoz: We shall overcome oppression! dangerdust: There's no way they could have cleared this many people with causing a huge scene with all these reporters from all over the world janhart: No violence, no bloodshed. ONLY PEACE MasterSovereign: the number of Peeps is what causes success! Judesky: MONICA!!! Can you hear us cheering????? aimcoffy: I cant believe this freeshower: now march on wall street and distrupt the morning bell nomoreexcuses: congrats...OWS!!!! piratronic: we are preparing in germany, hope tomorrow will be big ;) laelix: MASSIVE DANCE PARTY GO mulcahy: CNN REPORTING "CLEANING OF PARK POSTPONED" pittsburgh3: i on my way taruvision: it was a live about how dirty the park was and they got called on it nocense: occupy san diego check it out!! awesome vid! TerriBill: awesome!!! nesleinevad: embrace the police as brothers, they are among the 99% jyjyjyjyjy: We postponed the cleaning.....NOw WE CONQUER THE WORRRLD lol bfreeport: Congrats OWS, you all are a MAJOR are our HOPE lligrd8: The people united will never be defeated mdnau: POWER TO THE PEOPLE Ikedaddy: we are gearing up in canada to HighOccupation: the police are loyal to their paychecks GardenStater: I second that nesleinevad. :) TSRoadGER: Solitarity from Germany kalikatt: how many people are there? taruvision: the sanitation crew at the park are great portland_ore: way to go OWS!!! Judesky: karma--- NO!!! We're going to make you dance now!!!! Mellon: SO HAPPY !!! Congrats OWS <3 the World is Proud of U All <3 motozero: they will clean up later I bet! When they are not ready! thats not the end, lol occupy_optimistic: This is what democarcy looks like >>>>>>> :) TomvonCT: police are the 99% too LibertyGirly: I don'ty trust CNN but I hope it's true UseHempOil: live? 4GlobalRev: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lligrd8: 6:30 nocense: brothers and sisters support occupy san diego!! check this vid out! =) HighOccupation: its all over the TV davidscameracraft: Thank GOD wysiwyggal: Yeah!!!!!! pbnjay: I have chills!!! funkframmingham: *** yeah reclaimthestreets: YAY!!!! hyp3rcrav3: Huge cheer on At Liberty Square mulcahy: Is this live??? mmigliaccio: You guys ROCK! NurseAgita: THANKS, ebo71! Serbiannon: We are the 99%!!!! Deep_Space: JP Moragan Chase gets a police force, how come not the People? ANSWER: Because the People don't need police. MichiganPaul: God is with you! william_grimwood: good fing job I love love love you guys jyjyjyjyjy: Is this at zucotti??? mmigliaccio: Thanks for all you do. Judesky: Revoluyah!!!!!! twinsisterjm: YAY kjps12: russell simmons offered to pay for cleaning TomvonCT: jyjy yes mmigliaccio: You are an inspiration to all of us! ARadX: Congratulations! Bobalft: tears of joy TheLotusUnfolds: Revolujah! sebo71: 99% will prevail LiveFromEngland: brilliant! thanks to you all xxxxx mulcahy: IS THIS LIVE??? Slijtert: Wow beutifull crowd! Love you from holland! We start occupy Amsterdam tomorrow! laced713: canceled? debendevanvier: good work GardenStater: Thank you for fighting the good fight! mmigliaccio: Keep peaceful! peace2all: Right On you Guys!!!!! MD_Dad: what choice did they have? 2,400+ people including teachers, unions, etc...:) :) hangingwithmygnomies: they "postponed" in Boston... look what happened there... 100 arrests at 2am Madilyn: There's no backing down now... CJE44: Yes live. occupy_optimistic: Congrats!!!!!! Long live to your efforts !!!!!!!!!!!!! softlikeawall: this is live Serbiannon: BEAUTIFULL!!!! ReclusiveViovode: Is this live now? LionsRoar: CONGRATULATIONS taruvision: the mayor haas just postponed i saw it on pix 11 NurseAgita: OWS, an inspiration to te rest of us occupiers! blueheeler: Nah, we were inspired by Tahrir. victrola39: under the same moon madrediterra: Will join you tomorrow from Princeton WorkingClassDefender: this is what democracy looks like! Judesky: I'm sooooooooo glad I stayed up!!!!! karma01: YAY!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! You are doing so GREAT!! jyjyjyjyjy: Omg lol, so many show up william_grimwood: that is what democracy looks like when you win imgiovanni: THE MAID OVERSLEPT SHE CANT MAKE IT IN TO WORK TODAY, SORRY BLOOMBERG!!! OregonShoutNews: Time 2 ARREST the ARRESTORS for violations of public oath~ARREST the COPS for TREASON against the constitution: sebo71: tommorow occupy Slovenia begin MasterSovereign: Wait Until the15th and the whole world will be OCCUPIED by the people! jerseydebil: what's going on ???? TomvonCT: reclue yes LionsRoar: SO AWESOME MichiganPaul: Id like to say my prayers helped a bit! nocense: check it out brothers and sisters softlikeawall: happy days mic check dead_tv_live: postponement of the cleaning hangingwithmygnomies: Postponed... not CANCELLED RasputinSane: I hear zuccotti's safe for now - Stand strong brothers and sisters flyingkremlin: welll done. Regards from Germany texinwien: sweet janhart: tears of joy texinwien: GO UNION MacDaill: CNN has us looking good! laced713: WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MasterSovereign: Eviction Postponed! TomvonCT: Mi paul yes they did TheLotusUnfolds: How d'ya like us now, Trolls? kmplace: GO UNIONS!!!! occupy_optimistic: So happy to hear that everyone is safe !!!!!!!!!!!! Love you all sb4justice: YEAH(BIG SMILE)!!!!! kjps12: postponed to when Madilyn: UNION!!!!! MichiganPaul: SOLIDARITY sky1111: whos streets???!!! dotinoz: well done, us! twinsisterjm: LOVE YOU FloridaMom: that's a LOT of people for this time of morning LOL piratronic: hrhr frangster: ....they're reporting it on cnn now... NurseAgita: THANKS, flyingkremlin! Judesky: HUGS to all of you!!!! Wait--- is this a trick????? blueheeler: Is Denver OK? squidboy: texinwien: Damn I wish I could be there twinsisterjm: LOVE YOU ALL! classykaren: love Unions nocense: awesome piece on occupy san diego dead_tv_live: best steam snuzuma: our streets MasterSovereign: Postponed until never! Serbiannon: POSTPONED UNTIL THERE ARE LESS PEOPLE pyrsmis: Peoples mic on Twitter: praghmatic: anyone have confirmation link? sparrowsutra: Unions United!!!!! Solidarity FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eyewall: Awesome they held off the crackdown? bfreeport: everyone is very peaceful and well behaved: Cnn reporter twinsisterjm: SOLIDARITY mulcahy: CNN SAYS CLEANING OF PARK POSTPONED!!! f1owww: BEAUTIFUL GigiGigiK: What if you sang "We Shall Overcome Someday" the Martin Luther King protest song when it gets real intense? MasterSovereign: it's on CNN peruvianlilies: THIS IS THE MOST COVERAGE OF OWS IVE SEEN ON CNN SINCE THIS BEGAN hawleyone: Please stop bashing the cops. You can't say you are part of this and bash another worker. imgiovanni: WOW eliuri: can u really ever clean Wall street? twinsisterjm: SOLIDARITY SPEAKS f1owww: BLESS YOU ALL debendevanvier: yes good news brightfuture: Love UNITES! ♥ sky1111: whos streets??!!!! nocense: great video on occupy san diego carthurclark: Just because it is postponed does not mean to let our guard down! TheLotusUnfolds: Solidarity Forever tapasq: viva la revolution!!!! MarySquared: our streets! MrNotorious: This is so awesome Deep_Space: We are witnessing the death of the old. Herald this new age dawnie1001: Good job to all. AngelicRealm: MSNBC reporting "hundreds of people" there. twinsisterjm: SOLIDARITY SPEAKS BibsalaNL: omg the mass! awesome MichiganPaul: you guys look great out there! StuUK: fantastic!! GardenStater: @praghmatic I've been lookign all night and Ic ant' find any online links to verify funkfactory: such a win! nomoreexcuses: congrats...good peeps of OWS!!!!! SSilverstar: yes no cop bashing etual: SPAIN IS THERE!! **LOVE** jyjyjyjyjy: Wow it's even breaking news on CNN mulcahy: ON CNN NOW peace2all: I can finally go to sleep.. for a bit.. WELL DONE people!!!!!! SO much Love going you way!! marutiyogi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sb4justice: POWER TO THE PEOPLE POWER TO THE 99% MUCH LOVE Patriot2: Wooooooooooooooooo confettios: wow wow wow1111111111111 minervis: seatlle <3 stay peaceful bralaheh: IF ANYBODY WANTS THE LINK TO CNN THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT THE POSTPONEMENT. IT IS HERE: snuzuma: there is more ppl coming floridamom!! it just statyed DebtFreeCurrency: Massive win for the 99%, 1% cave.. bfreeport: Cnn: they certainly won this battle Solitaire777: Goodmorning USA! Solidarity from Scotland! laelix: NOW MASSIVE BLOCK PARTY GO hawleyone: I'm happy with the postponement. I'm going to bed now. :) hangingwithmygnomies: NOw watch... when CNN turns off th camera, everyone gets beat up MainerinSolidarity: g'morning FloridaMom!! madrediterra: They will try eviction when unexpected twinsisterjm: MADE MY DAY! karma01: OMG if this is true I can finally go to sleep NurseAgita: THANKS, NOCENSE! blueheeler: No, cops are one of us - they get pink slips also. It's Wall St. reclaimthestreets: Bloomberg is in a predicament now... dotinoz: We shall overcome oppression! dangerdust: There's no way they could have cleared this many people with causing a huge scene with all these reporters from all over the world janhart: No violence, no bloodshed. ONLY PEACE MasterSovereign: the number of Peeps is what causes success! Judesky: MONICA!!! Can you hear us cheering????? aimcoffy: I cant believe this freeshower: now march on wall street and distrupt the morning bell nomoreexcuses: congrats...OWS!!!! piratronic: we are preparing in germany, hope tomorrow will be big ;) laelix: MASSIVE DANCE PARTY GO mulcahy: CNN REPORTING "CLEANING OF PARK POSTPONED" pittsburgh3: i on my way taruvision: it was a live about how dirty the park was and they got called on it nocense: occupy san diego check it out!! awesome vid! TerriBill: awesome!!! nesleinevad: embrace the police as brothers, they are among the 99% jyjyjyjyjy: We postponed the cleaning.....NOw WE CONQUER THE WORRRLD lol bfreeport: Congrats OWS, you all are a MAJOR are our HOPE lligrd8: The people united will never be defeated mdnau: POWER TO THE PEOPLE Ikedaddy: we are gearing up in canada to HighOccupation: the police are loyal to their paychecks GardenStater: I second that nesleinevad. :) TSRoadGER: Solitarity from Germany kalikatt: how many people are there? taruvision: the sanitation crew at the park are great portland_ore: way to go OWS!!! Judesky: karma--- NO!!! We're going to make you dance now!!!! Mellon: SO HAPPY !!! Congrats OWS <3 the World is Proud of U All <3 motozero: they will clean up later I bet! When they are not ready! thats not the end, lol occupy_optimistic: This is what democarcy looks like >>>>>>> :) TomvonCT: police are the 99% too LibertyGirly: I don'ty trust CNN but I hope it's true UseHempOil: live? 4GlobalRev: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lligrd8: 6:30 nocense: brothers and sisters support occupy san diego!! check this vid out! =) HighOccupation: its all over the TV davidscameracraft: Thank GOD granpagee: What a beautiful way to say, "Good Morning, World." Thanks to all of you who came out literally in the middle of the night. Jba67: oh wow im emeotional at that sight guys f1owww: LOVE barkingpumpkin: Vicory in NYC! Victory in Denver! CJE44: Did I hear them say postponed til 5AM tomorrow? lligrd8: Dancing in the streets lol Jamilazulu: is occupy erie a pirate 99% channel, its totally 1% radio voice Chriscrop: its a beautiful morning! whomod: Which channel is LIVE? Global revolution or occupynyc? kyleabent: what happened? I just tuned in piratronic: 3 events planed in stuttgart, 6 in frankfurt and so on hrhr sparrowsutra: Viva the Occupiers!!! Viva OWS !!!! blueheeler: Police are getting laid off jus like us. FloridaMom has disabled participation in the chat room. FloridaMom: Ok, great :) lots of excitement good news for NYC FloridaMom: yes they are aware to be wary that things could change, but lets not be down in our moment of triumph. reclaimthestreets: YAY!!!! hyp3rcrav3: Huge cheer on At Liberty Square mulcahy: Is this live??? mmigliaccio: You guys ROCK! NurseAgita: THANKS, ebo71! Serbiannon: We are the 99%!!!! Deep_Space: JP Moragan Chase gets a police force, how come not the People? ANSWER: Because the People don't need police. MichiganPaul: God is with you! william_grimwood: good fing job I love love love you guys jyjyjyjyjy: Is this at zucotti??? mmigliaccio: Thanks for all you do. Judesky: Revoluyah!!!!!! twinsisterjm: YAY kjps12: russell simmons offered to pay for cleaning TomvonCT: jyjy yes mmigliaccio: You are an inspiration to all of us! ARadX: Congratulations! Bobalft: tears of joy TheLotusUnfolds: Revolujah! sebo71: 99% will prevail LiveFromEngland: brilliant! thanks to you all xxxxx mulcahy: IS THIS LIVE??? Slijtert: Wow beutifull crowd! Love you from holland! We start occupy Amsterdam tomorrow! laced713: canceled? debendevanvier: good work GardenStater: Thank you for fighting the good fight! mmigliaccio: Keep peaceful! peace2all: Right On you Guys!!!!! MD_Dad: what choice did they have? 2,400+ people including teachers, unions, etc...:) :) hangingwithmygnomies: they "postponed" in Boston... look what happened there... 100 arrests at 2am Madilyn: There's no backing down now... CJE44: Yes live. occupy_optimistic: Congrats!!!!!! Long live to your efforts !!!!!!!!!!!!! softlikeawall: this is live Serbiannon: BEAUTIFULL!!!! ReclusiveViovode: Is this live now? LionsRoar: CONGRATULATIONS taruvision: the mayor haas just postponed i saw it on pix 11 NurseAgita: OWS, an inspiration to te rest of us occupiers! blueheeler: Nah, we were inspired by Tahrir. victrola39: under the same moon madrediterra: Will join you tomorrow from Princeton WorkingClassDefender: this is what democracy looks like! Judesky: I'm sooooooooo glad I stayed up!!!!! karma01: YAY!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! You are doing so GREAT!! jyjyjyjyjy: Omg lol, so many show up william_grimwood: that is what democracy looks like when you win imgiovanni: THE MAID OVERSLEPT SHE CANT MAKE IT IN TO WORK TODAY, SORRY BLOOMBERG!!! OregonShoutNews: Time 2 ARREST the ARRESTORS for violations of public oath~ARREST the COPS for TREASON against the constitution: sebo71: tommorow occupy Slovenia begin MasterSovereign: Wait Until the15th and the whole world will be OCCUPIED by the people! jerseydebil: what's going on ???? TomvonCT: reclue yes LionsRoar: SO AWESOME MichiganPaul: Id like to say my prayers helped a bit! nocense: check it out brothers and sisters softlikeawall: happy days mic check dead_tv_live: postponement of the cleaning hangingwithmygnomies: Postponed... not CANCELLED RasputinSane: I hear zuccotti's safe for now - Stand strong brothers and sisters flyingkremlin: welll done. Regards from Germany texinwien: sweet janhart: tears of joy texinwien: GO UNION MacDaill: CNN has us looking good! laced713: WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MasterSovereign: Eviction Postponed! TomvonCT: Mi paul yes they did TheLotusUnfolds: How d'ya like us now, Trolls? kmplace: GO UNIONS!!!! occupy_optimistic: So happy to hear that everyone is safe !!!!!!!!!!!! Love you all sb4justice: YEAH(BIG SMILE)!!!!! kjps12: postponed to when Madilyn: UNION!!!!! MichiganPaul: SOLIDARITY sky1111: whos streets???!!! dotinoz: well done, us! twinsisterjm: LOVE YOU FloridaMom: that's a LOT of people for this time of morning LOL piratronic: hrhr frangster: ....they're reporting it on cnn now... NurseAgita: THANKS, flyingkremlin! Judesky: HUGS to all of you!!!! Wait--- is this a trick????? blueheeler: Is Denver OK? squidboy: texinwien: Damn I wish I could be there twinsisterjm: LOVE YOU ALL! classykaren: love Unions nocense: awesome piece on occupy san diego dead_tv_live: best steam snuzuma: our streets MasterSovereign: Postponed until never! Serbiannon: POSTPONED UNTIL THERE ARE LESS PEOPLE pyrsmis: Peoples mic on Twitter: praghmatic: anyone have confirmation link? sparrowsutra: Unions United!!!!! Solidarity FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eyewall: Awesome they held off the crackdown? bfreeport: everyone is very peaceful and well behaved: Cnn reporter twinsisterjm: SOLIDARITY mulcahy: CNN SAYS CLEANING OF PARK POSTPONED!!! f1owww: BEAUTIFUL GigiGigiK: What if you sang "We Shall Overcome Someday" the Martin Luther King protest song when it gets real intense? MasterSovereign: it's on CNN peruvianlilies: THIS IS THE MOST COVERAGE OF OWS IVE SEEN ON CNN SINCE THIS BEGAN hawleyone: Please stop bashing the cops. You can't say you are part of this and bash another worker. imgiovanni: WOW eliuri: can u really ever clean Wall street? twinsisterjm: SOLIDARITY SPEAKS f1owww: BLESS YOU ALL debendevanvier: yes good news brightfuture: Love UNITES! ♥ sky1111: whos streets??!!!! nocense: great video on occupy san diego carthurclark: Just because it is postponed does not mean to let our guard down! TheLotusUnfolds: Solidarity Forever tapasq: viva la revolution!!!! MarySquared: our streets! MrNotorious: This is so awesome Deep_Space: We are witnessing the death of the old. Herald this new age dawnie1001: Good job to all. AngelicRealm: MSNBC reporting "hundreds of people" there. twinsisterjm: SOLIDARITY SPEAKS BibsalaNL: omg the mass! awesome MichiganPaul: you guys look great out there! StuUK: fantastic!! GardenStater: @praghmatic I've been lookign all night and Ic ant' find any online links to verify funkfactory: such a win! nomoreexcuses: congrats...good peeps of OWS!!!!! SSilverstar: yes no cop bashing etual: SPAIN IS THERE!! **LOVE** jyjyjyjyjy: Wow it's even breaking news on CNN mulcahy: ON CNN NOW peace2all: I can finally go to sleep.. for a bit.. WELL DONE people!!!!!! SO much Love going you way!! marutiyogi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sb4justice: POWER TO THE PEOPLE POWER TO THE 99% MUCH LOVE Patriot2: Wooooooooooooooooo confettios: wow wow wow1111111111111 minervis: seatlle <3 stay peaceful bralaheh: IF ANYBODY WANTS THE LINK TO CNN THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT THE POSTPONEMENT. IT IS HERE: snuzuma: there is more ppl coming floridamom!! it just statyed DebtFreeCurrency: Massive win for the 99%, 1% cave.. bfreeport: Cnn: they certainly won this battle Solitaire777: Goodmorning USA! Solidarity from Scotland! laelix: NOW MASSIVE BLOCK PARTY GO hawleyone: I'm happy with the postponement. I'm going to bed now. :) hangingwithmygnomies: NOw watch... when CNN turns off th camera, everyone gets beat up MainerinSolidarity: g'morning FloridaMom!! madrediterra: They will try eviction when unexpected twinsisterjm: MADE MY DAY! karma01: OMG if this is true I can finally go to sleep NurseAgita: THANKS, NOCENSE! blueheeler: No, cops are one of us - they get pink slips also. It's Wall St. reclaimthestreets: Bloomberg is in a predicament now... dotinoz: We shall overcome oppression! dangerdust: There's no way they could have cleared this many people with causing a huge scene with all these reporters from all over the world janhart: No violence, no bloodshed. ONLY PEACE MasterSovereign: the number of Peeps is what causes success! Judesky: MONICA!!! Can you hear us cheering????? aimcoffy: I cant believe this freeshower: now march on wall street and distrupt the morning bell nomoreexcuses: congrats...OWS!!!! piratronic: we are preparing in germany, hope tomorrow will be big ;) laelix: MASSIVE DANCE PARTY GO mulcahy: CNN REPORTING "CLEANING OF PARK POSTPONED" pittsburgh3: i on my way taruvision: it was a live about how dirty the park was and they got called on it nocense: occupy san diego check it out!! awesome vid! TerriBill: awesome!!! nesleinevad: embrace the police as brothers, they are among the 99% jyjyjyjyjy: We postponed the cleaning.....NOw WE CONQUER THE WORRRLD lol bfreeport: Congrats OWS, you all are a MAJOR are our HOPE lligrd8: The people united will never be defeated mdnau: POWER TO THE PEOPLE Ikedaddy: we are gearing up in canada to HighOccupation: the police are loyal to their paychecks GardenStater: I second that nesleinevad. :) TSRoadGER: Solitarity from Germany kalikatt: how many people are there? taruvision: the sanitation crew at the park are great portland_ore: way to go OWS!!! Judesky: karma--- NO!!! We're going to make you dance now!!!! Mellon: SO HAPPY !!! Congrats OWS <3 the World is Proud of U All <3 motozero: they will clean up later I bet! When they are not ready! thats not the end, lol occupy_optimistic: This is what democarcy looks like >>>>>>> :) TomvonCT: police are the 99% too LibertyGirly: I don'ty trust CNN but I hope it's true UseHempOil: live? 4GlobalRev: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lligrd8: 6:30 nocense: brothers and sisters support occupy san diego!! check this vid out! =) HighOccupation: its all over the TV davidscameracraft: Thank GOD granpagee: What a beautiful way to say, "Good Morning, World." Thanks to all of you who came out literally in the middle of the night. Jba67: oh wow im emeotional at that sight guys f1owww: LOVE barkingpumpkin: Vicory in NYC! Victory in Denver! CJE44: Did I hear them say postponed til 5AM tomorrow? lligrd8: Dancing in the streets lol Jamilazulu: is occupy erie a pirate 99% channel, its totally 1% radio voice Chriscrop: its a beautiful morning! whomod: Which channel is LIVE? Global revolution or occupynyc? kyleabent: what happened? I just tuned in piratronic: 3 events planed in stuttgart, 6 in frankfurt and so on hrhr sparrowsutra: Viva the Occupiers!!! Viva OWS !!!! blueheeler: Police are getting laid off jus like us. FloridaMom has disabled participation in the chat room. FloridaMom: Ok, great :) lots of excitement good news for NYC FloridaMom: yes they are aware to be wary that things could change, but lets not be down in our moment of triumph. FloridaMom: Thank you, all of you for signing petitions and calling the mayor and calling the owners of the park FloridaMom: WE HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE FloridaMom: Remember that next time we band together and raise our voice and the naysayers start up with "why bother you won't solve anything" FloridaMom: This is a victory for all of the 99%. FloridaMom has enabled participation in the chat room. victrola39: triple people in Times Square!!! jyjyjyjyjy: The cleaning crew probably showed up and was like "F this" haha MD_Dad: ty fm marutiyogi: thanks flmom Sparticas: WOOHOO OVERTIME FOR THE POLICE!!! ThePeoplesWill: Just bcause you are parinoid, that dont mean we are not coming to get you!!! I seen that phrase on TV more than once Shout out to Greed, can you hear them now?? debendevanvier: yes GardenStater: people power! emptybe: wow meoleto: It is indeed. thesmokemonster: Well said FloridaMom brightfuture: Thank you FM! ♥ Ythill: bfreeport: this made my Friday, just sayin' JMcCarthy: FLORIDAMOM, RESPECTFULLY, YOU -HAVEN'T- MADE A DIFFERENCE Snailysong: times square tomorrow dead_tv_live: next on the list: the trolls texinwien: FloridaMom: We haven't made a difference yet, we're just scratching the surface kenflex: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! sphere82: thanks FloridamOm. We are happy with you!! UseHempOil: can we sign petitions online? dead_tv_live: :) WorkingClassDefender: Thank you for your great coverage FloridaMom! karma01: i just have chill bumbs and tears of utter joy kyleabent: what happened? I just tune din potent3: i'm so happy mindspun: FLORIDAMOM: GOOD MORNING :)) MichiganPaul: I just turned on CNN they said the cleanup was postponed ! StuUK: the first of many victories!!!!! recklaw: Best wishes from the UK Ikedaddy: We here in canada sent a ton of emails to brookfeild as well the owners of it whomod: NO SHORTAGE OF NAYSAYERS EITHER. WELL TRAINED BY THE MEDIA. JET_lag: whats the latest news? peace2all: This is HUGE for ALL of US!!! peruvianlilies: WELL-SAID. THANKS! whatcansixdoforyou: Un mejor mundo existe aquabuddha: Victory! hangingwithmygnomies: cleaning crew was like "no way" Gog1345: 350,000 signatures I heard marcelisa: OWS VICTORIOUS!!!! TomvonCT: FM U rock 425lovely: the people united, will never be defeated!!! Snailysong: Times Square tomorrow It's ON lligrd8: WTG NY Judesky: Thank you Florida!!! dead_tv_live: thanks mom MichiganPaul: Praise God from who all blessings flow Zencoda: EVICTING IN DENVER - bobnh: let them stay dirty FolkloricoFreedom: Stop being so obsequeous in regards to the police. yes they are workers but they are trained to crack your skulls and not think critically. don't be stupid. w9illiam: THIS JUST PROVES WE CAN CHANGE THINGS imgiovanni: JULIE MENIN HEAD OF COMMUNITY BOARD 1 SAYS SHE URGED THE MAYOR TO STOP THE CLEANUP AND CONFRONTATION potent3: i'm so happy the_hotch: what happened? MystiDale: Victory! Thank you to all ! ngilbert: Wonderful news... ZenoOfCitium: what happened this morning?!? shawns_flame: great to see the victories in seattle and new york tonight !!!!!!!!! confettios: oh wonferful!!!!!!!!!!!!! MarySquared: FloridaMom my sentiments exactly! Woot! softlikeawall: 27 days of occupation come on support occupy denver tents being ripped down Snailysong: Times Squar tomorrow LionsRoar: Occupy Paradeplatz! Zürich Oct 15 MainerinSolidarity: JMCarthy....YOU have no idea marcmtch: well done nycxxx darkfiber61: cleaning cancelled. Gog1345: solidarity with our friends in Delver hangingwithmygnomies: Bloomberg sucks t4swillia3: how many people are there? f1owww: OCTOBER 15 aquabuddha: Is it raining? brightfuture: Love. Kindness. Compassion. visionrider: IM MAD AS HELL AND IM NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE! REVOLUAH! WOOT WOO! wonttakeitanymore: ----------------- call FOX NEWS MichiganPaul: Im so happy for you New York! riverdaughter: how many people? Madilyn: Good morning beautiful, beautiful people!!!!! Solidarity!!!!!! Nooplak: Canada is watching NY city alexvanderkooy: lol we got this so good blueheeler: No, I think we should learn from Tahrir, Wall St will not give in easily. the_hotch: when was the cleaning cancelled? Snailysong: Times Square tomorro OWS JET_lag: please recap FLmom sky1111: what news seattle??? lligrd8: Saturday will happen PoeticAvalanche: YEAH HAHA! WELL DONE! dan1989: DONT FORGET DENVER!!!!!!!!! stargirl1: 9/11 happened on day they were to announce worlddebt free fregiveness rayboat: morning all hyp3rcrav3: @Tex There has been a sympathy rally by Chinese pensioners in China. I think that makes a difference. Jamilazulu: floridamom is occupyerie a false 99% channel, because the radio voice speaks like the 1% AngelicRealm: Relief! Judesky: TY Girlfriend Julie!!!!!! dremzahope: I have dream and its becoming reality FloridaMom: Suka: No cops taking anyone anywhere. sunsetbeach: #WINNING reclaimthestreets: FOX? what's that? peace2all: i am totally crying.. great job.. earthgrrrlll: So proud of all you!!! We are the 99% MasterSovereign: Large number of people =success! mglover: We are the 99% dnorric: mate as much as i love raincoats can you show other stuff jimbojames: 99%! PoeticAvalanche: DENVER LINK? LibertyGirly: They need to stop messing with the prtesters heads 4GlobalRev: WE ARE THE 99%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Snailysong: Victory hangingwithmygnomies: can we see someting besides a yellow jacket? sb4justice: 99% dremzahope: real laelix: tomorrow as in later today or the 15th MD_Dad: remember...this not yet OVER. Be careful. cwveteran: Greetings from Rhode Island. godofhellfire: we are the 99% StuUK: yeah let Fox news know-lol clicheguevara: how many peeps at zucotti?????? PoeticAvalanche: DENVER LIHNK? Sparticas: WE ARE THE PHOOKIN 99% frangster: ...we are the 99%!! kimbo67: has the clenaing been cancelled? Gog1345: Denver need to come back dotinoz: 99%! Sharkspajamas: Proud of everyone there! MasterSovereign: small camps shut down- large camps can't be shut down! taruvision: another day in paradise rayboat: how many people in nyc??? bobbouillac: Everybody Needs Somebody, stay strong in peace, you are all us hope, thank for your courage brightfuture: Nonviolence is true strength. oxford2001: Good morning! Congrats! Thank You & keep up the great/hard work..we are the 99% HowardBealeWasRight: Amazing ... powerful ... beautiful! MarySquared: let rupert murdoch know who you are! TomvonCT: OWS 1 the 1% 0 ThePeoplesWill: Corporate Personhood stinks..... Reverse the supreme court "citizen united BostonElectriciansIBEWLocal103: Floridamom are there at OWS? blueheeler: Hello Rhode Island, Maine here. Snailysong: 99% win portland_ore: we ARE the 99%! texinwien: tear it up! suka87: OCCUPY SOUTH AFRICA 15th OCTOBER Yukazi: We are the 99%! :) MichiganPaul: WE ARE THE 99% Europe81: yeah i love livestream :-) peruvianlilies: DENVER LINK: Sparticas: WE ARE THE PHOOKIN 99% kenflex: I WILL NAME MY FIRST BORN CHILD "99%"!!! xobi14: CT here! MischaIsLame: 99%, yo!!! TeleLiberte: 99% 1-0 1% debendevanvier: 99% wins cwveteran: Hello MAINE t4swillia3: 99% - 1 1% - 0 f1owww: WE ARE THE 99% BretskisGirl: WE ARE THE 99% sparrowsutra: It's time for Bloomberg to tell OWS where they can set up their tents for the winter, and to ask how he can help them. Yes It Is. pyrsmis: WE ARE THE 99% texinwien: put some fear into their hearts the_hotch: when did they tell you guys they weren't cleaning sphere82: Fantastic!! alulu4youyou: WAY TO GO PROTESTERS!! beeeker: we are the 99 percent... venice ca, chanting with you new york!!! NanaJeanne: Foxnews reporting delay- disppointed there will be no confrontation AnonPortugal: hi everyone :) love Snailysong: 99% win NurseAgita: The people united will never be divided chalee: FLORIDAMOM CAN YOU ASSIGN A MOD TO ATHE AVAAV CHAT PLEASE GreenDine: YO DREMA I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR UR DREAM kmplace: thank you unions for your unending support magickpower: cnn gave lying, bs coverage too ,not just fox get_enlightened: \o/ LOVE baby 4GlobalRev: :_) nocense: hey guys support occupy san diego awesome piece! shaidaali: mad love from denton BretskisGirl: MIC CHECK 4GlobalRev: : _ ) GreenDine: YO DREMA, I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR UR DREAM BROTHER Snailysong: 99 percent BEAT 1% this round FloridaMom: hotch: about ten mins ago dreamcatchin: yes we rwe r the 99% MichiganPaul: THANK YOU FOR YOUR COURAGE NEW YORK ! lligrd8: Wow look at the crowd MasterSovereign: The whole world will be occupied tomorrow jonny12key: This Land, Was Made, For You, And Me!! dremzahope: where theres doubt there can be no faith whomod: BETTER. SOMETIMES IN THE SPIRIT OF BEING THERE, ACTUAL DOCUMENTING THE MOMENT SEEMS TO BE LOST. LibertyGirly: Bloomberg needs to donate tents and sweaters WakeUp2RBE: OccupyWallSt @ Top of Google News tessiek: stay strong HowardBealeWasRight: OMG! That crowd is huge!!!!! blueheeler: It's pretty wet here in New England - perseverance furthers. visionrider: Denver is cool,park reopens in 20 mins and nobody has left,very very few arrests Goucho: GOOD MORNING STREET POWER - GREETINGS FROM BERLIN praghmatic: R E V O L U J I A ! ! !!!!!! Lit_Up: Okay. I'm deaf now. LOL imgiovanni: Hello CAmera Please whomod: I SOMETIMES GET TH EIMPRESSION THAT WHOEVER MANS THE CAMERA GET SO LOST IN THE EVENT THAT THEY CAN GIVE 2 ***'S ABOUT THE CAM. IanMoon_no1: THIS IS HISTORY IN PROGRESS!!! NEVER IN HISTORY HAVE WE SEEN THE WHOLE WORLD PULL TOGETHER IN ORDER TO GET RID OF CORRUPTION!!! THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END FOR THE 1% :) lukesurge: do we know when live comes back on? PaleoRevolution: can someone update me please i just got on cryptonymic: Congratulations - you have done well! MacDaill: Live in NYC 99redballoons: how many people? anizato: THIS REVOLUTION NEEDS TO BE TAKEN MORE SERIOUSLY Lovenowar: this is awesome, i love every single one of you people down there MichiganPaul: happy day, now i can sleep a bit mdscribe: How many days now? blueheeler: Not live? apoulet: The LIVESTREAM IS WORKING< PLEASE DIRECT THE CAMERA SOMEWHERE EFFECTIVE shaidaali: you did good SandraJean: The unions are here.. kitkats: better alulu4youyou: The Daily News calls it "Showdown At Zuccotti Park" mgb123: Cnn say postponed for now lligrd8: They got a postponemeny JJfreedomrider: :) answer to prayer autumninNY goldmansachsblows: Global revolution tomorrow! ARadX: Someone mentioned the terms of the postponement posted. Does anyone have a link to those? peruvianlilies: DON'T FORGET ABOUT DENVER, GUYS! marsmick: testing lexifreeman: hear you! testing! Klearly: ...THE FREAKIN' UNIONS!!!! SandraD225: MysticStarshine: @ MOM have u slept? Nooplak: Who said rain keeps people away jyjyjyjyjy: Man if that was the reaction to no cleaning crew, can't wait to see what it's like when we change the country lol peaceenforcer: yuop SandraD225: anizato: THESE CHANGES ARE HAPPENING autumninNY: this is amazing! peaceenforcer: yup CitizenZed: stay strong-get some rest and prepare for tomorrow-the world is with you blueheeler: FloridaMom - not live? denny_in_portland_me: mod only fu210botiq: Qestion from romania .. How many are there? 99redballoons: testing peaceenforcer: testing NoFearZs: Very Appreciative to the MOD for maintaining live stream --- Thank you so very much bud Jba67: audi keeps fading out then going loud 99redballoons: mic check FloridaMom: Not live imgiovanni: ok we can hear you debendevanvier: not live? JQsack: Good luck from Denver! imwithyu2: Don't let the unions cloud the issues goldmansachsblows: Y'all going to the march tomorrow? apoulet: The sOUND IS WORKING Lit_Up: So what's the word? Are they gonna stay or are they gonna go? jerseydebil: what's happening in Austin? sun123: LIVE New York. kitkats: tester man please update us what happened? peaceenforcer: testing Sharkspajamas: wish we could get a live transcript tweeted or something peaceenforcer: testnig dremzahope: love yall from olympia wa hyp3rcrav3: Arresting that crowd would be explosive. The streets of the whole city would fill. peaceenforcer: got it evigilance: MUNICH is routing for you!! c_Oolon: any1 have a link to denver? peaceenforcer: got it dremzahope: gn debendevanvier: test test moonunito: yes the stream is good this morning owshero: sound good zoom6000: solidarity from tampa!!!!! mdscribe: Is this the 28th day now? janedrums: thanks unions!!!!!!!!!!!! cyberpunker: Average yearly tuition at U.S. private universities is now up to $27,293. marcelisa: Unions Are Awesome!!! Created the Middle Class! Support Unions! old_shatterhand: LOVE from Leipzig, Germany, we stay with you!! Peary85: Good Luck to Denver! 99redballoons: test t4swillia3: we can hear you Yukazi: So much love for those here and there. Keep up the support! apoulet: NYC: THe SOUND IS WORKING JQsack: !!! confettios: Doesn't say postponed, says HAS WITHDRAWN REQUEST altogether!!! tatertotter: what happened in wisconsin BasicHumanRights: austin = almost nothing opinion8ted cleared messages from user Optimystic1. digelsrud: yes we can hear you frazer999: message to ALL governments "you seem to think that you own us" NOT,we are taking back OUR WORLD shaidaali: oh really cyberpunkel? kiwichix: WE ARE THE 99%!! ldylib72: can hear you well! 99redballoons: tell us what's up kitkats: SOUND WORKING ... LOUDER PLEASE imgiovanni: YOUR MIC IS WORKING NOW FIX THE CAMERA dreamcatchin: sounds good kitkats: testing man, update us change11: got sound but no live stream lligrd8: Denver needs replacement supplies for those taken tonight jukeboxdive: we can hear you fine!!! SandraJean: We need everyone...without unions kids would still be working in the mines. Klearly: this is NOT the 60's (w/ the unions!) WorkingClassDefender: Denver need our support!!!!! 99redballoons: yo fu210botiq: HEY ..HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE THERE? goldmansachsblows: frazer......hell yeah! dead_tv_live: leipzig knows how to protest! cyberpunker: The cost of college tuition in the United States has gone up by over 900 percent since 1978. anomalous4: DENVER live stream is over - they've cut to their early-morning programming. MischaIsLame: unions were formed by the working class, not the middle. stornik: we are 99% autumninNY: $27,000! unbelievable. opinion8ted cleared messages from user Optimystic1. JJfreedomrider: Keep talking to The Great Intercessor!!!! Optimystic1 has been banned by opinion8ted. frangster: At least 2000 ppl according to new reports.... kenflex: confettios, wut?? phillyconvict: God Is Part Of 99 % Judesky: It's COLIN!!!! alulu4youyou: I hope the OWS attorneys are talking with Brookfield! janedrums: LOVElovelovelovelovelove kiwichix: Got live stream, no sound cybergeek: Woot maybe he read our chat ! old_shatterhand: tomorrow we are no the streets, here in Germany and all over!! PEACE JQsack: lame imgiovanni: BLCKOUT theloaf1011: 99redballoons: you are live lligrd8: NY okay for today echo_off: live again! FloridaMom: NOW we're live debendevanvier: hello from holland yes live 99redballoons: yes classykaren: youare right Sandra jean annabanan: feed now good alexvanderkooy: lol philly potent3: live Sparticas: FREE THE SLAVES!!!! END PREDITORY ECONOMICS!!! blueheeler: It's creepy thinking how many FBI & the like are reading this. nyrate: back SandraJean: without the unions there wouldn't be a middle class 99redballoons: we see you jma416: hello kiwichix: You ripper c_Oolon: any1 have a link for denver? Judesky: Awwwwl gone...... wackoplenty: We are with you in Naples Florida!!! In unity there is strenght! this is just the may get funky because now we got em scared 99redballoons: we hear you 99redballoons: mic check opinion8ted: optimystic ... lose the bolds please sweetbud: hello NYC and good morning to u from arkansas kep up the good work liveinpeaceandlove: lovin you guys! imgiovanni: MIC CHECK lligrd8: Celebration time HowardBealeWasRight: Yay! Live feed! :-) goldmansachsblows: hi FBI JodiWilson: I am awestruck....I raise my cup of coffee to the moderator's, the protestors and anyone who has been involved with occupyWallstreet. The whole world is watching. :) snuzuma: go Germany!! MichiganPaul: cnn just said- "New York City backs off" lilacaraby: Morning you wonderful people! Sparticas: VICTORY=FREE THE SLAVES!!!! END PREDITORY ECONOMICS!!! shaidaali: 1 2 99redballoons: hear comes the sun! JQsack: Anarcho-syndaclism Sabrinavz: CONFETTIOS what request was withdrawn? tracyll: you won? you get to stay? ukwatching: anomalaus I'm still watching denver cyberpunker: In America today, approximately two-thirds of all college students graduate with student loans. dreamcatchin: its all good thanks PaleoRevolution: whoooo hoooo annabanan: What a beautiful morning in NYC jma416: it sounds wonderful there InSamsara: Word from the ground: The Park is PACKED! peruvianlilies: BEAUTIFUL SUNRISE IN NYC!! goldmansachsblows: FBI can learn from us... benkapa: if you give them a park, next thing you know they'll want healthcare and more PaleoRevolution: NYC essrog6x: fantastic! 99redballoons: love from los angeles HowardBealeWasRight: You are all awesome!!!!!! cybergeek: LOL gldman SandraJean: kidsw would be chained to factories potent3: this is beautiful imwithyu2: Unions are big money too. classykaren: CWA here AHumbleSupporter: how many people turned out? apoulet: Livestream is up, THANK YOU! lilacaraby: New York IS the 99%!! kiwichix: WE ARE THE 99% inishfree: yes!!! nyrate: are they preping for the eviction? kyetaka: Good morning NY! <3 from Boulder CO! Peary85: I'm hoping that Occupy DC will march on Brookfield - they have property in DC close to McPherson Park! lligrd8: The people win a round janedrums: Beauty and LOVE theloaf1011: End Debt Slavery liveinpeaceandlove: sending love, peace and strength to you all. Keep it peaceful JJfreedomrider: Good Morning Beautiful NYC onebrownmouse: AngelicRealm: Here comes the sun! BulgariaVarna: solidarity from Bulgaria !!! We are 99 % PaleoRevolution: they know they have to or it will be bad digelsrud: Link for Denver: twinkletoe: FOX NEWS AND O REILLY AT IT AGAIN media pigs StuUK: what a lovely sight for a morning in NY snuzuma: 1000sss ar confettios: Doesn't say postponed, says HAS WITHDRAWN REQUEST altogether!!! tatertotter: what happened in wisconsin BasicHumanRights: austin = almost nothing opinion8ted cleared messages from user Optimystic1. digelsrud: yes we can hear you frazer999: message to ALL governments "you seem to think that you own us" NOT,we are taking back OUR WORLD shaidaali: oh really cyberpunkel? kiwichix: WE ARE THE 99%!! ldylib72: can hear you well! 99redballoons: tell us what's up kitkats: SOUND WORKING ... LOUDER PLEASE imgiovanni: YOUR MIC IS WORKING NOW FIX THE CAMERA dreamcatchin: sounds good kitkats: testing man, update us change11: got sound but no live stream lligrd8: Denver needs replacement supplies for those taken tonight jukeboxdive: we can hear you fine!!! SandraJean: We need everyone...without unions kids would still be working in the mines. Klearly: this is NOT the 60's (w/ the unions!) WorkingClassDefender: Denver need our support!!!!! 99redballoons: yo fu210botiq: HEY ..HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE THERE? goldmansachsblows: frazer......hell yeah! dead_tv_live: leipzig knows how to protest! cyberpunker: The cost of college tuition in the United States has gone up by over 900 percent since 1978. anomalous4: DENVER live stream is over - they've cut to their early-morning programming. MischaIsLame: unions were formed by the working class, not the middle. stornik: we are 99% autumninNY: $27,000! unbelievable. opinion8ted cleared messages from user Optimystic1. JJfreedomrider: Keep talking to The Great Intercessor!!!! Optimystic1 has been banned by opinion8ted. frangster: At least 2000 ppl according to new reports.... kenflex: confettios, wut?? phillyconvict: God Is Part Of 99 % Judesky: It's COLIN!!!! alulu4youyou: I hope the OWS attorneys are talking with Brookfield! janedrums: LOVElovelovelovelovelove kiwichix: Got live stream, no sound cybergeek: Woot maybe he read our chat ! old_shatterhand: tomorrow we are no the streets, here in Germany and all over!! PEACE JQsack: lame imgiovanni: BLCKOUT theloaf1011: 99redballoons: you are live lligrd8: NY okay for today echo_off: live again! FloridaMom: NOW we're live debendevanvier: hello from holland yes live 99redballoons: yes classykaren: youare right Sandra jean annabanan: feed now good alexvanderkooy: lol philly potent3: live Sparticas: FREE THE SLAVES!!!! END PREDITORY ECONOMICS!!! blueheeler: It's creepy thinking how many FBI & the like are reading this. nyrate: back SandraJean: without the unions there wouldn't be a middle class 99redballoons: we see you jma416: hello kiwichix: You ripper c_Oolon: any1 have a link for denver? Judesky: Awwwwl gone...... wackoplenty: We are with you in Naples Florida!!! In unity there is strenght! this is just the may get funky because now we got em scared 99redballoons: we hear you 99redballoons: mic check opinion8ted: optimystic ... lose the bolds please sweetbud: hello NYC and good morning to u from arkansas kep up the good work liveinpeaceandlove: lovin you guys! imgiovanni: MIC CHECK lligrd8: Celebration time HowardBealeWasRight: Yay! Live feed! :-) goldmansachsblows: hi FBI JodiWilson: I am awestruck....I raise my cup of coffee to the moderator's, the protestors and anyone who has been involved with occupyWallstreet. The whole world is watching. :) snuzuma: go Germany!! MichiganPaul: cnn just said- "New York City backs off" lilacaraby: Morning you wonderful people! Sparticas: VICTORY=FREE THE SLAVES!!!! END PREDITORY ECONOMICS!!! shaidaali: 1 2 99redballoons: hear comes the sun! JQsack: Anarcho-syndaclism Sabrinavz: CONFETTIOS what request was withdrawn? tracyll: you won? you get to stay? ukwatching: anomalaus I'm still watching denver cyberpunker: In America today, approximately two-thirds of all college students graduate with student loans. dreamcatchin: its all good thanks PaleoRevolution: whoooo hoooo annabanan: What a beautiful morning in NYC jma416: it sounds wonderful there InSamsara: Word from the ground: The Park is PACKED! peruvianlilies: BEAUTIFUL SUNRISE IN NYC!! goldmansachsblows: FBI can learn from us... benkapa: if you give them a park, next thing you know they'll want healthcare and more PaleoRevolution: NYC essrog6x: fantastic! 99redballoons: love from los angeles HowardBealeWasRight: You are all awesome!!!!!! cybergeek: LOL gldman SandraJean: kidsw would be chained to factories potent3: this is beautiful imwithyu2: Unions are big money too. classykaren: CWA here AHumbleSupporter: how many people turned out? apoulet: Livestream is up, THANK YOU! lilacaraby: New York IS the 99%!! kiwichix: WE ARE THE 99% inishfree: yes!!! nyrate: are they preping for the eviction? kyetaka: Good morning NY! <3 from Boulder CO! Peary85: I'm hoping that Occupy DC will march on Brookfield - they have property in DC close to McPherson Park! lligrd8: The people win a round janedrums: Beauty and LOVE theloaf1011: End Debt Slavery liveinpeaceandlove: sending love, peace and strength to you all. Keep it peaceful JJfreedomrider: Good Morning Beautiful NYC onebrownmouse: AngelicRealm: Here comes the sun! BulgariaVarna: solidarity from Bulgaria !!! We are 99 % PaleoRevolution: they know they have to or it will be bad digelsrud: Link for Denver: twinkletoe: FOX NEWS AND O REILLY AT IT AGAIN media pigs StuUK: what a lovely sight for a morning in NY snuzuma: 1000sss are there!!! FloridaMom: The people working for the FBI are the 99% as well. whomod: BEAUTIFUL SUNRISE. okiebird: right, SandraJean annabanan: No eviction! laparker456: Sun is coming up on the Protesters! Sparticas: MIC CHECK hyp3rcrav3: No eviction! SandraJean: working people deserve respect phillyconvict: Unions R Knowledge MasterSovereign: carthurclark: CNN going to do more on the postponement after the commercial brreak. Congratulations protesters! loke302: this isn't live mdscribe: Day 28? okiebird: workers of the world unite misosusanowa: BEAUTIFUL OCCUPIERS fu210botiq: ROMANIA WILL BE ON TOMOROW cyberpunker: In 2010, the average college graduate had accumulated approximately $25,000 in student loan debt by graduation day. goldmansachsblows: Bulgaria in the houzzz FloridaMom: They may work for the 1% but they are part of us as well. denny_in_portland_me: lets do this ***! lol IanMoon_no1: There's celebrities that are on our side!!! I know that John Cusack is one of them!!! :) liveinpeaceandlove: The whole world's behind you! xobi14: Congrats! PaleoRevolution: amazing! snuzuma: awesome dreamcatchin: Koch brothers r not happy lligrd8: Go OWS GWAMPO: How many people are there this morning?? shaidaali: i'm glad we are all on the same page :) sphere82: any estimates about how many people are out there in NY at present? 99redballoons: love AHumbleSupporter: Any estimates of the number of people? SandraJean: We are all workers if we have a job JJfreedomrider: forget Fox lilacaraby: twinkletoe why watch the old has been FOX? they are OUT OF TOUCH and OUT OF TIME! peaceenforcer: Awesome! t4swillia3: any guess of the amount of people there? change11: get ya faces petroleum jellied up MasterSovereign: 10,000 earthrevival: good morning occupiers from Mississippi! :) lligrd8: Sorry Koch Bros icarusflysagain: good morning Boulder cwveteran: Dunkin Donuts will have record sales today, cops just hanging around now getting paid to do nothing. apoulet: If anyone in the park is listening, can you tell us what is happening on the perimeter of the park? peaceenforcer: I love you! ocsandiego: As the sun rises in NYC, I cant't help but to think today is an awakining to the world taruvision: i think 300 theloaf1011: < to the protesters and all 99% HowardBealeWasRight: What was that last announcement? cybergeek: ppl use Gibiru as your home page so FBI canot trace your IPaddress heroinesick: We're with you from Louisville! frangster: getting headache from reading chatbox, going over to avaaz. Good job Occupy Wall Street!!! dead_tv_live: several thousands of people wonttakeitanymore: --------- the clean-in-sections offer was pretty good ------ they would look bad turning that down laparker456: Thanks to all the people who showed up so early in the morning in SUPPORT! wackoplenty: we will occupy city hall in Naples florida on saturday in support for you all! imgiovanni: OCCUPY STARTED AND THE MAYOR BLINKED, ALL DAY ALL WEEK!! JJfreedomrider: Woo Hoo !!!!!!!!! stornik: 4700 viewers lilacaraby: good morning MISSISSIPPI! autumninNY: Good morning, New York City! cryptonymic: Supporters streamed into the plaza early Friday before the announcement. There was a strong police presence, and a showdown between protesters and authorities had been feared.Read more: http://www.nyp AngelicRealm: Where are the celebrities and musicians? TerriBill: what abeautiful sight cyberpunker: The total amount of student loan debt in the United States now exceeds the total amount of credit card debt in the United States. JET_lag: fabulous!! tinysparrow333: beautiful day. stay strong and peaceful janedrums: yayyay love to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! indigomama: what a beautiful day for an occupation! Sending Peace and Wisdom to protestors and police! confettios: "Brookfield believes they can work out an arrangement with protesters that will ensure the park remains clean, safe, available for public use and that the situation is respectful ...etc. WOOT! blueheeler: Koch Bros won't stop easily. SandraJean: Terms divide us ..we are the 99% Peary85: Koch Brother's need to clean up their own companies before they complain about any park! NoFearZs: In agreeance with FloridaMom --- FBI part of 99% ----- PEACE, PEACE, PEACE everyone ! earthrevival: That's BE-U-T-FUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! desire4liberation: AWESOME tracyll: It gives hope to all of us around the world that are occupying. Well done guys.x kiwichix: going off djvjgrrl: so happy debendevanvier: 99% snuzuma: yay!!! laelix: party annabanan: Every postponement is a VICTORY!! whomod: AMERICA REBORN. CAPITALISM IS NOT DEMOCRACY. laelix: GO moonunito: We have to pay to educate ourselves so they can benefit from our increased skills...what a SCAM 99redballoons: bring it 99 |
Be seeing you.