Johanna Faust, a mixed race Jew, prefers to publish pseudonymously. She is committed: first, to preventing war, ecological disaster, and nuclear apocalypse; last to not only fighting for personal privacy & the freedom of information, but, by representing herself as a soldier in that fight, to exhorting others to do the same. She is a poet, always. All these efforts find representation here: "ah, Mephistophelis" is so named after the last line of Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus, whose heretical success flouted the censor for a time.
Snow blanketing northern hemisphere - VIDEO
Seeing this graphic from an article in the UK Daily Mail I decided to verify it, which quickly became a larger effort, the fruits of which are below. Still working on comparisons to earlier years -- I don't recall this happening before, with the possible exception of that storm that had it seemed all airports in the Northern Hemisphere shut down due to fog (snapshot; URLs of google searches unreliable - click to enlarge), but I want verification. Kudos to NASA for being easier to navigate and more comprehensible than NOAA (though their URL's are tougher to suss).