...also see my FWG AntiWebGuard wifi hotspot censorship neutralizing searchplugin. Just paste URL, and hit enter. Right-click here and Save As to download, or click on that little green plus signn in your search bar.
- PASTE--SELFDESTRUCTSwhenVIEWEDbyNSA---beta-version (86)
- TEXTISE--returns-google-SEARCH-in-PLAIN-TEXT (0)
- EnterTEXTandPARSEforEMOTION (68)
- DepreciationValueByPercent--PasteNameOfItem--returnsPlainText (38)
- findMP3-justPASTEtheSONGtitle (62)
- hURL--an-online-cURL-to retrieve-web-pages (77)
- duck-duck-GO--search-that-respects-your-privacy-AND-is-good-and-fast (93)
- ah, mephistophelis (200)
- IXQUICKmostPRIVATEsearchEVER (114)
- npp (10)
- webcache.googleusercontent.com (489)
- google wapishta (357)
- Ye Olde Indecks Of (235)
- FACEBOOKusernamelPARAMETERtool (255)
- WORKING-TUBE-works!-just-paste-embed-code (186)
- googleTHIS! (384)
- A-better-GOOGLECACHE-search (135)
If the searchplugins do not install properly, I used to say, "please visit searchplugins.net." Unfortunately they no longer exist; last I checked their site was hacked. How then am I displaying mu searchplugins in their format for usable download?
Let's just say The Wayback Machine is my friend, & 
Be seeing you.
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