UPDATE: now try "preview.tinyurl.com/dhs377words"
(and then scroll -- no, better skip, scrolling would take too long -- skip to the very bottom, & click on 'proceed to site')
Teeny-weeny, Copy/Paste ready, ContentEditable!
Just remember:
When you are dong anything on the web, now you always have those 377 words that Homeland security is monitoring for at your fingertips! Just affix "dhs377words" to "tinyurl.com" like so:
Preview below.
To demonstrate, I have embedded the rather long page upon which TinyURL would have you land, sice they have seen fit to disable my innocent use of their service to shorten my long urls. (Grr -- base 64 is not a crime. Grr.)
...Your browser should have loaded the page above pre-positioned at the bottom of the page, where you will see the hyperlinked text "Proceed to site." Click upon that and you will get my page:
(And for those Gentle Raders still using IE
who might not, with the page above, have been
altogether pleased. My apology
if what you could see was not what was meant to be seen)
The second, IE friendly page is tinyurl.com/377wordsDHS
Be seeing you.