Human Rights Violations: China Is Rubber, The US Is Glue

A summary of a recent CNN post.  Looks like people in glass houses should either STFU or do more than  just say they are retraining their out-of-control police.


China Not Happy With U.S. Human Rights Record

posted by Justin Surrency

Fri 5:41 PM, May 25, 2012

"The United States' tarnished human rights record has left it in no state -- whether on a moral, political or legal basis -- to act as the world's 'human rights justice,'" China said in an annual report on U.S. human rights.

The report cited the arrests of protesters participating in the Occupy Wall Street movement in the United States.  Many protesters, it said, accused police of brutality.

Thursday, the U.S. State Department criticized a number of countries, including China, in its annual report on human rights around the world.  The human rights situation in China, it said, "deteriorated, particularly the freedoms of expression, assembly, and association," with Chinese forces reportedly committing "arbitrary or unlawful killings."

The U.S. report comes after the arrival in the United States of one of China's best-known activists, Chen Guangcheng, after he escaped house arrest and took refuge in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, marking a dramatic diplomatic showdown between Washington and Beijing while U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was visiting China for talks.  China regularly criticizes U.S. interference with what it calls domestic political issues.

Although the U.S. report covered 2011, before the high-profile saga over Chen, it detailed concerns about Chen's treatment, including thugs' "severe" beatings of him and his wife.  It said that Chen was denied medical care, while activists trying to visit his house in eastern Shandong province said they were "assaulted, detained, forcibly removed or otherwise abused."

Read more.

Be seeing you.


  1. Blame the American swine who only grunted before their vote. Millions are dying painful deaths and serious injury from America and its NATO and America as a whole, like Europe, as a whole, does not care. This will end badly for them.

  2. Ridiculous and infuriating!!!!!! The US is accusing China (or anyone else for this matter) of human rights violations? Since when is this hypocritical, lying and wretched US the moral arbiter in the arena of human rights? Since when does the US have any credibility at all? The US is a lying machine and lies about everything, lies of epic proportions such as 9-11. Pathetic liars and conniving lackeys of Israel.

  3. No wonder, Hitler in his days accused anybody resisting his drive for World hegemony - whatever form of resistance against his crimes - as unacceptable.
    Duo of Real Axis of Evil on this planet - US and Israel "Knessets" - uses to same strategy. They only perfected their arrogant ways in dealing with others...peter czech
